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facebook ads pricing

How Much Does it Cost to Advertise on Facebook?

With over 2 billion active users a month, there's no doubt that Facebook is a treasure for advertisers who want to reach out…
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different types of ad campaigns

Complete Guide to Facebook Ad Types

Facebook has been a godsend for business owners. This platform allows them to engage with their audience and to do some effective advertising…
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law firm marketing

Law Firm Marketing Online: How To Get Your Law Firm A Solid Online Presence

It’s a fairly common thought that being in the legal field can be lucrative. However, with fresh, inexperienced graduates passing the bar admission…
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find my facebook page

Where is my Facebook Business Page? I can’t find my Facebook Business Page!

You can’t wait to see the fruits of your labor to appear on every terminal of your friends using FACEBOOK.  Just when you…
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