Everything You Need to Know About HVAC Marketing & Advertising

  • January 8, 2019

If we want to sum up everything that we know about the ins and outs of HVAC online marketing, there are five key statistics that sum everything up.

  • Google’s organic search results fell on average from ten to eight and a half
  • Fifty seven percent of all HVAC company website visits came through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets

Half of all search results on Page One are HTTPS

  • Every single second your mobile page delays in loading, your conversion rate decreases by twenty percent
  • Social media, website and email make up the three most powerful business marketing tools: fifty-four percent for email, fifty-one percent for website traffic, and forty-eight percent via social media.

Pay close attention to all the statistics I have shared above. They play a big role in how you should plan your digital marketing.

What follows is a detailed breakdown of how you can use the realities behind these statistics to produce actionable strategies for your overall digital marketing plan. All of these have implications for your HVAC business’ online marketing plan.

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Google’s Average Organic Search Results Shrank From Ten to Eight and a Half

When you look at the typical result for a service and location-specific search term like “plumber, San Francisco, California,” you will see massive changes in a typical Google search result.

At the top, you are likely to find ads for local services. Beneath it, you will see pay per click ads. Beneath those, you will see listings that make up “local pack”. Finally, far down the page will be your organic search results.

This placement hierarchy highlights the fact that it’s getting more difficult for HVAC businesses such as yours to appear in Google’s organic results.

To work against this, you need to invest in placements for Google Local Services. There are no two ways about it. You need to show up as an HVAC contractor using Google Local Services ads. You should also pay for PPC ad visibility.

These are very strategic ad buys because they appear highest up on the results page. This statistic also reminds you to invest serious time, effort or resources in making sure your HVAC business’ local SEO is as tight as it could be.

Fifty-Seven Percent of Visitors Looking for HVAC Services Came Through Smartphones, Tablets or Other Mobile Devices

It’s really important for your website to be optimized for mobile devices. As more and more consumers use tablets and smartphones, the percentage of HVAC website viewers using mobile devices will continue to increase. This is a trend that is not going to go away anytime soon.

You can’t put your prospective customers in the ridiculous position of having to zoom in and out of your website or scroll through different parts of your website. They don’t have the time for that. Your website must look professional and easily accessible regardless of the size of the screen it appears on.

Please understand that there is a big difference between a mobile-responsive website and a mobile-specific website. When you show a mobile-responsive website to a mobile user, they will be able to see your content.

But this is very different from having your website made specifically for mobile. In that situation, you put your best foot forward. Your customers will have an easy experience and they are more likely to return.

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Half of the Page One Search Results on Google are HTTPS

When you look at your browser bar, you will see HTTPS or HTTP. When you see a website that has HTTPS, this means that it is very secure. It is using a website security that prevents people from intercepting information users send through their browser.

Google places such a high importance on security that it actually rewards HTTPS websites with higher rankings for their target keywords.

Also, when consumers can tell that your website is secure when they see the padlock icon for your site on their browser, they’re more likely to trust your website.

Every Second Your Mobile Page Delays in Loading, Your Conversions Decrease by Twenty Percent

Make no mistake, the faster your website loads, the higher the chance you will convert your visitor.

You have to understand that starting in 2017, more consumers view websites through mobile devices than desktop computers. This means that they are using relatively slower devices to view websites.

Accordingly, speed is extremely important to them. If they have to wait over three seconds waiting for your site to appear, they will drop out.

It is no surprise that Google counts page load time as one of its ranking factors. The faster your site loads, the higher you rank.

The Three Most Powerful Digital Marketing Tools for HVAC Businesses are Email, Website Traffic, and Social Media

A lot of HVAC business owners are under the impression that they just need to put up a professional looking website. The problem is, this is just one part of the equation. You have to look at the big picture.

The typical consumer has a profile on Facebook or other social media platforms. The average consumer also signs up to approximately forty or so email newsletters. You have to factor in all these statistics and their implications into your 2018 HVAC business digital marketing plan.

What follows is a full guide that gives you a framework for your HVAC marketing:

HVAC Company Guidance for Marketing on Search Engines

Why Should Your HVAC Business Bother with Search Engine Marketing?

Please understand that search engine marketing remains one of the most powerful ways to market your business. This type of marketing enables you to get the attention of homeowners precisely at the time they’re most interested in your type of services.

Please note that around ninety-seven percent of American consumers go on the internet to look for local services. Similarly, among smartphone users, eighty-two percent go on search engines when they are on the hunt for local merchants or service providers.

Search engine marketing is a catchall term that covers pay per click or PPC advertising, local SEO, and overall HVAC search engine optimization (SEO).

The Name of the Game is to Rank in Municipalities and Locations You’re Not Located In

Due to the search engine traffic shift to mobile traffic, it’s harder for HVAC businesses to rank in towns and cities where their business doesn’t have a physical location. This is a serious problem if you have a large service area.

Typically, HVAC companies would be based in a town, but would actually service the nearby county, cities, or even regions. This is why it’s really important for HVAC businesses to put in the time, effort and energy required in capturing local search rankings involving multiple states and cities. We can help you do this efficiently and effectively.


hvac online marketing


Try These Three Tips So You Can Quickly Improve Your HVAC Business’ Local SEO

Due to the fact that the “local pack” is rising in importance in local business search results, HVAC companies need to pay more attention to local SEO. This is crucial for potential customers physically near your business’ location to find you in Google’s organic search results.

There are a lot of ways to improve your HVAC business’ local SEO. We have identified three methods that require the least effort on your part. They are the easiest methods to boosting your company’s overall local SEO immediately.

Put Up a Local HVAC Business Blog for Effective HVAC SEO Content Marketing

If you want to capture as much local searches for HVAC businesses, you need to put up a blog. You need to post quite a bit of content. This is in keeping with the fact that Google actually ranks individual web pages. It doesn’t rank full websites.

This means you have to post enough content so you get more chances at ranking on Google for several of your pages. The more pages you publish, the higher the chance that at least some of these will rank well on Google.

Once people find you on Google, you can then link them through to your main service page. The key is to get your foot in the door.

Effective HVAC content marketing means listing out and writing about topics that are related to the services you offer. For example, you can talk about furnace inspections, the importance of regular duct cleaning, as well as what to do when trying to get emergency repairs on an HVAC system and other topics.

When you blog, you get to write about your main service areas, and then related issues, and then issues related to that. You also can blog about common questions that your target customers ask like, “How do I know when to replace my air conditioner?”

Place Local Services Ads on Google

If you are stumped when trying to discover new HVAC marketing ideas, take a quick look at the ads shown by Google Local Services. This feature is still being rolled out throughout the United States by Google. These ads specifically promote HVAC companies such as yours.

Pay close attention to them because they are the first thing you will see when you search for HVAC services in a particular area. How do they work?

How do you get your HVAC business advertised through Google Local Services? Here are the steps:

Step #1: Enroll in the Google Guarantee Program.

Step #2: Once you are enrolled, whenever a Google user searches for HVAC services in the area you selected, your ad will appear.

Step #3: (This is the most important part) Google Local Services Ads will only charge you if the searcher calls you. That’s right. You only pay for each qualified lead.


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Traditional PPC (Pay-Per-Click): The Quickest Way to Generate HVAC Leads

Is Pay-Per-Click Still Worth It in the Year 2018?

Absolutely. As we have mentioned above, based on statistical analysis and their implications, if you want to get more leads, you need to get as high up on the first page of Google Results. There are no two ways about it.

Many small local business owners think that PPC is inapplicable for their local business. This is not true. Considering the fact that local search real estate space continues to shrink for organic results, you need to make it near the top of HVAC search results in your area. If you need to pay for it, then you need to do so. This is an investment in solid leads.

The key to PPC campaigns is to determine the value of each new customer you get. Once you have that information, you can then figure out the value of each new HVAC prospect you get from Google. Don’t just focus on the price. Focus on what you stand to gain and the probability of you getting a new customer.

Do People Bother Clicking Paid Ads?

Let’s put it this way. When you do a local search for HVAC services such as yours, you will see paid ads. Now ask yourself this: If these ads are not working at all, why are these companies paying good money for these ads? That’s the bottom line.

These are different companies. They’re not all clueless. They’re not all out to lunch when it comes to the value of each lead they get from Google. Given the price of local paid ads, you can bet that these companies are getting positive ROI. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be investing in paid ad clicks for their HVAC services websites.

Social Media Marketing for HVAC Companies

What You Need to Know about Social Media Marketing for Your HVAC Business

While it’s true that social media enables HVAC companies such as yours to directly engage with your existing customers and boost your local visibility, you have to know what you’re doing. If you’re a rookie to this type of marketing, it’s very easy to mess up. It’s very easy to throw a lot of money at the problem only to have very little to show for it. Pay close attention to the platform-by-platform analysis below so you can get a head start on HVAC contractor social media marketing.


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Does Your HVAC Outfit Need Its Very Own Facebook Page?

This is a common question. It’s very tempting to say “no.” However, wrap your mind around this fact: Most of the people you are trying to reach in your local area already have Facebook accounts. This is why it’s really important to leverage the social reach of Facebook to spread the word about your HVAC business.

While it doesn’t have to be front and center of your digital marketing plan, it has to be a key component of it. You can get qualified leads, increase brand visibility and leverage your existing customer base to get new customers all thanks to Facebook. The first step is to put up a professional Facebook page for your HVAC business.

How to Come Up with the Very Best Ads on Facebook for HVAC Contractors

If you’re already running a pay-per-click campaign on Google, you might be thinking that paid Facebook ads is redundant or absolutely unnecessary. Please keep in mind that the audience you will find through Google is different from the people who will be looking at your local ads on Facebook.

The name of the game is to maximize the visibility of your online brand. You have to use both platforms “budget permitting.” Please note that advertising on Facebook doesn’t have to break the bank.

There are many types of ads you could run. You can one an engagement campaign. You can promote a specific post or you can get direct clicks to your website. These have different cost factors. Depending on your budget, you can focus on one type and optimize it so it leads to actual visitors to your website.


How Can Your HVAC Company Get More Business from Instagram Users

As you probably already know, Instagram is growing rapidly. There are a lot of local people using that platform. Interestingly enough, even service businesses like HVAC plumbing and roofing stand to gain quite a bit of new business from Instagram if they know how to leverage its content and social features.

Pay-Per-Lead Directory Site Placement Services Specializing in HVAC Businesses

Is It Worth Paying for a Directory Placement for Your Business?

It’s easy to see the attraction many HVAC company business owners have for directories like Yelp, HomeAdvisor and Angie’s List.

In fact, when you do a search on Google, a lot of times you would listings from these places. The problem is there are different business factors that go into whether you should invest in direct replacements. Please check out our detailed discussion on these options.

HVAC Business Email Marketing

Stay Engaged with Your Customers through Email

If you want a system that will enable you to reach out to your customers wherever they are and whenever you want, get them to sign up for your mailing list. If you’re running any sort of special promotion or you are trying to drum up a repeat business, email is the best way to do it. Not only can you get new leads from it, but you can also get repeat business from your existing clients. To get the inside scoop on email marketing success, check out our tips for effective email promotions for your HVAC business.

How to Get Your Email Noticed in a Full Inbox

Let’s face it, a lot of web users sign up for all sorts of mailing lists. In fact, according to a recent report, the average consumer signs up to around for forty email lists. Given this reality plus the emails they get from their work, school, family members and friends, it’s easy to see that most people’s inbox can get full very easily. How do you get your HVAC marketing emails noticed in a full inbox? Check out our helpful on how to send out newsletter updates that actually get noticed.

heating and air conditioning marketing

Website Design Considerations for HVAC websites

Aim to Build a Superior HVAC Business Web Presence

Many HVAC business owners think that once you’ve seen one HVAC website, you have seen them all. This is a common misconception. These websites are not equal, not even close.

You have to be strategic in designing or renovating your existing web presence. Just because something looks good doesn’t mean that it will pull in new customers. At the end of the day, you want people to call you through your website. You want leads; that’s the bottom line. The bottom line is not to have the prettiest homepage. If you want to get the inside scoop on where to put your phone number, how to put together a website that attracts attention and, most importantly, generates leads, visit our section on this very important topic.

Mobile Load Speed is Crucial for the Success of your HVAC Business

There are no two ways about it. If your website doesn’t load well on mobile devices, you are playing the game to lose. Google has made this abundantly clear since 2016. On April 21 of that year, Google officially included mobile friendliness as one of its 200+ ranking factors.

The bottom line is if your website looks good on mobile devices, chances are you will rank higher on Google. A key part of this is the speed at which your website loads. This is also a crucial ranking factor on its own.

HVAC Business Online Reviews

How to Rack Up More HVAC Google Reviews

Reviews are extremely important. If you don’t have any reviews or you get very low ratings, potential customers might avoid your company like the plague. Moreover, if your HVAC business gets high review ratings, this can help you get a better position at the “local pack” Google results. If you want to get important tips and guidelines for boosting the number of Google reviews of your HVAC business, visit our Google review section.

HVAC Business Online Recruitment Promotions

Access Better Talent by Using LinkedIn

According to Pew Research, 90% of Americans looking for new employment over the past two years used the World Wide Web to research companies and the employment opportunities. Use this to your advantage. Put your company’s profile on LinkedIn. This ranks fairly high and this enables you to position your business to attract the very best local talent for your HVAC company.

How to Leverage Glassdoor to Build Up Your HVAC Business’ Team

If your business is like most other businesses in the United States, you know full well that attracting and hanging onto valuable employees is a problem. In fact, according to the NFIB, close to half of American small business owners say that they are very few or absolutely no applicants who are qualified in their local area.

If you place a company profile on Glassdoor, you get a high-ranking page in your local area for HVAC jobs. This increases the likelihood of your company getting in front of the right eyeballs so you can build up your team with qualified, competent individuals.

Add Customer Service to Your HVAC Marketing Tool Kit

Providing Excellent Customer Service is the Ultimate Marketing Strategy

If you want repeat business and you’d like to grow an organic community of people who praise your business, look no further than how you treat your existing customers. Please understand that the number one source of new business growth for any small business like your HVAC company is your existing relationship with your customers.

It isn’t SEO. It isn’t content marketing or social media marketing. You already have it. Build on it. You’d be surprised as to how eager your existing customers will refer you to their family and friends. Just as social networks online can spread the word very quickly about your business, offline word-of-mouth is equally potent.

Show Your Existing Customers How Much You Care

It’s really important to take a long, hard look at your existing customer service process. Figure out if it produces the desired effect. Are people happy? Are people happy enough that they would tell the rest of the world about your company?

You have to look at your customer service staff. Pay attention to what they’re doing. Can they use a little extra training? Can their processes be standardized so customer experience is predictable and meets the highest standards?

Please read our section on customer service enhancement. By making sure your existing customer base is happy, you can pretty much guarantee repeat orders from them while at the same time increasing the possibility that they will refer new business to you.

Key Rules for Dealing with HVAC Service Price Shoppers

Have you overheard some of your customer service staff talking to prospects and noticed that most of the conversation turned on price? It can be very depressing when your customer service staff talk about the installation of air conditioners and repairing furnaces at the highest quality standards yet all the prospect wants to talk about is the bottom line.

It’s very easy to dismiss such leads as wastes of time. Please note that you just need to retrain your customer service staff to handle such calls better. Believe it or not, with the right script and the right optimized training, these leads can easily turn into paying customers. We’re not talking about low-cost customers here. We’re talking about people who would pay your premium rates.


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Do You Need Professional Help to Market Your Local HVAC Business Right?

Now that you have a good idea of the things that you need to focus on to get better sales results for your HVAC company this year, please note that the best plan in the world is not going to help you.

That’s right. You may come up with the best blueprint, the best action plan, the best framework; but none of those digital marketing strategies would add a single dollar to your bottom line if they were not implemented correctly. It’s not a question of just taking action. This is a question of getting it done right.

Contact us today to see how our experience and our tried-and-proven ability to get results can help take your HVAC company’s revenues to the next level. You have come to the right place for professional HVAC company digital marketing services.


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Tanya Mendes

Marketing Manager